Simoncini Cancer Therapy
Cancer and Candida Albicans
Cancer and Candida Albicans
Genetics, the battle horse of modern oncology, is about to give up the ghost, together with its endless explanations based on enzymatic and receptor processes. Actually, it has already failed – it is just that no one can think of anything else that can take its place. The consequence of the oncological establishment’s inability to admit the failure of this line of research, which is at this point scientifically indefensible, is the continuous waste of a great quantity of economic, scientific and human resources.
What road to take? Where to look for those minimal logical elements that can shed light on the ignorance that pervades oncology?
Many thinkers – especially biologists – believe that by applying the Darwinian theory to the evolution of living beings, it may be possible to progress down a new path when it comes to the so-called degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiopathies, and mental illness. According to this line of thought, these diseases are not attributable to environmental or genetic factors as is presently believed, but to infections.
Therefore, the answer to the question of what causes a degenerative disease can be found in the discipline that more than anything else has given luster to medicine, and which has promoted medicine from a mere practice to a science, that is microbiology.
Read more about:
- why do so many people still die of cancer
- the cause of cancer
- the willingness to change
- cancer health threat nr. 1
- candida responsible for cancer
- candida and cancer always concurrent
- the adaptability mechanism of candida
- the solution found
- my first cured patient
- my oncological infection theory
- port-a-cath
- the treatment with sodium bicarbonate
- side-effects
- lies of the orthodox oncology
- the boasting of the oncologic statistics
- statistics traditional oncology
- 75% physicians refuses chemotherapy themselves
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